Friday, October 19, 2012

A Jolt into the Reality

I know I have abandoned writing almost for 5 months now and it is not acceptable to leave something abruptly.
The last five months have been crazy with long hours of work and no time to eat or sleep. Now as things are slowing down I have come to realize how much has happened in the past few months. This is a real jolt back into reality.
For starters I am getting married. Yay !!! But again the truth is I am freaking out even though I am getting married to someone I have known for years.
I know that not much is going to change after we get married, yet, the thought that I am getting married is somewhat scary.
So here I am ready to start a new phase of life !!! Let's see where it takes me.

Celebrating Life with a beautiful picture. Courtesy S.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

What I have and what I don't !!!!

People always say count your blessings and I am the one who counts mine twice :)

But I will start with list of what I don't have and probably the list of haves will make me feel better...

What I think I wish I had in life :

1. Friends - true friends
2. Close girl friends - the bonding between girls is unique... It's sisterly yet fun
I have my sister who is my best friend but alas I am her sister and I go into the elder sister mode more often than she or I would like it...

3. Spontaneity - I try to be spontaneous but it's nothing big... I want to be able to explore the world
Everyday should be a new adventure

4. Determination - something I am working on changing... Got to be more determined and self motivated to make something of my life

5. Fearlessness - I try very hard not to care about what people around me think but alas somewhere deep within myself is a fear of being judged... Fear of being talked about... But I should say I have become better at concealing this fear from the world but people who know me see right through it... And it is this fear that hold me back ... Doesn't let me experiment with life ....

List of my blessing to follow in next post ....since it is long :)

Monday, April 2, 2012

DWI (Drivng With Influence) === DWI (Dying With Intent)

Can't believe that people  cannot make the decent choices about themselves at the age of 25yrs?
This is the age when you are not only supposed to be responsible about yourself but old enough to be a parent. Old enough to care and think about aging parents and younger siblings.

Today I heard the news that someone I knew was driving under influence and this led to his friend being killed in a car crash and he being charged with manslaughter.

This all happened while driving home from celebrating the 25th Birthday of the guy who died.

I had been so angry several times because I was the Designated Driver and no one cared that I was tired and wanted to turn in for the night. But I am so glad I did take it upon myself to drive people safely home after the parties. If I refused to drive and they went around driving and killed themselves or others I would have never forgiven myself.

Hopefully people who think they can be under total control even when under influence realize that they are not only putting themselves in danger bur also people around them. They have no right to risk their own life let alone other's.

What has the world come to? Where someone has to die for people to realize their stupidity.

Human life is invaluable. You beat all the odds to be in the world. Don’t expect to beat all odd and be lucky forever. 

I am pained at the stupidity that can get others killed.

Few Tips::::
  1. Decide on who would be the designated driver.
  1. Buy the Designated Driver few non-alcoholic drinks.
  2. Be respectful of Designated Driver.
  3. The Designated Driver should confiscate the car keys at the beginning of the party
  1. No matter how unreasonable or reasonable the drunk person is, no matter how rude they are, no matter how heartbroken they are that you don’t trust them, no matter how sober they look never let the person who had drinks drive. Even if it threatens your friendship/ relationship.
  1. If someone who is drunk refuses to get into a car, threaten to call the police and if need be call the cops and let them be taken into custody to sleep it off. At least they will be alive after they are awake.